Design Philosophy

I believe that Design is an international language. People can catch the point without having artistic background. I love drawing and painting when I was five years old. When I grew up, I like to create something new especially in 3-dimentional space and decorate my own room. I keep working on painting and designing since they are my favorite things in the world and I feel that design can express myself and release pressure.

To me, design is the technique to change and improve the world and to create a better future. The thing that inspire me to major in interior design is that I like to create useful stuffs and think much about the functions of a space. I believe becoming a interior designer, I will be given the ability to design the interior of spaces as well as small handy supplies. My goal is to become a professional interior designer who makes people live in a more comfortable and convenient environment. Also, I would like to design the interiors for my mom and it counts as part of my dreamed future.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Enchanting Future- LaCrosse Brewery

After researching LaCrosse and doing case studies of micro-brewery, we then worked on developing the design. We are trying to preserve the rock houses as they are significant historical heritage and it symbolize the hard time they had when exploiting the town. I added an extension and incorporate fenced outdoor area into my design in order to attract people's attention. I would love to grow more trees in LaCrosse especially areas surround rock houses because there are currently no enough shades. The fountain at the front will provide a nice space for people to rest and it is also a visual interest. For the interior, the wine holding tank are visible in the wine tasting area to create a more engaging atmosphere. I would like to create a family style brewery where people love to go and there is a children's place besides the brewery for children to play in. Although there are limitations within the brewery theme, it seems to be a project with high potentials of promoting the town and bringing economic growth.

LaCrosse Inforgraphic

LaCrosse, WA

LaCrosse is a small town in Whitman county. The rock houses were donated to LCP (LaCrosse Community Pride) so they were hoping to utilize the space and property in a meaningful way. Before we get start on the project itself, we research the town and try to understand different aspects of the site. It is important that we understand the culture of the town and consider what kind of design would fit the community very well. I like how straight forward a inforgraphic could present to the viewer and how icons become a the subject matter instead of wordy description. LaCrosse is a town that born because of the railroad and there are abundant natural resources within the town. Interestingly, the median resident age is 51.8 and there are only one convenient store. With all of the promising proposal we have for LaCrosse, we are hoping to construct a better future for the town and make rock houses become a turning point for the community.