Design Philosophy

I believe that Design is an international language. People can catch the point without having artistic background. I love drawing and painting when I was five years old. When I grew up, I like to create something new especially in 3-dimentional space and decorate my own room. I keep working on painting and designing since they are my favorite things in the world and I feel that design can express myself and release pressure.

To me, design is the technique to change and improve the world and to create a better future. The thing that inspire me to major in interior design is that I like to create useful stuffs and think much about the functions of a space. I believe becoming a interior designer, I will be given the ability to design the interior of spaces as well as small handy supplies. My goal is to become a professional interior designer who makes people live in a more comfortable and convenient environment. Also, I would like to design the interiors for my mom and it counts as part of my dreamed future.

Monday, October 22, 2012


     Designing a bathroom is a task that seems to be simple but it actually not. There are so many details and guidelines needed to be considered for designing an accessible bathroom. Learning how wheel chair people use the toilet is important for designing a considerate and user-friendly bathroom. Usually wheel chair people prefer side reach rather than front reach and they need foot-toe clearance under the sink and cabinet. Besides, since bathroom is usually smaller than other room, the tile layouts of the space will become a vital element. It affects people' feeling of the space. I explored the bathroom design in my apartment and found out that my bathroom is not accessible at all because of the narrow doors and small moving space. I also learned that we need 30" space in front of a toilet and there is specific space between double sinks. We should design a bathroom that include a 60" turning radius that allows wheel chair to move through freely and comfortably. According to the information and guideline, I designed a slide door because I think it is better than any other kind of door for disabilities and also considered both side reach and front reach and turning radius. The wide of my door is 36" wide which is the ADA guideline for a accessible door. Moreover, I made the counter and sink lower than regular height to make it accessible while appealing and functional.
     My concept is driven from the clear edge and sharp angles of a triangles. I defined the three angles of a triangle as ourselves, family and home which reveals design relationship of the space. These three vital elements are expressed in the function of the bathroom design. The on-floor lower cabinet can be used as a stool for children while the other are designed for the elders. I intended to create a space that fulfill all kinds of need because it is a family and it is home. The bath tub I chose, the wall lighting, ceiling lighting and the pink recycled-glass doors of cabinets are all revealing triangle shapes. The color application is mainly neutral color because it suggests harmony through out the space.

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